Sunday 23 August 2015

~ Waterproof Trench Coat

(Designing the Logo)

(Our Product Name : Trench Coat)

(Why Need Umbrella when you have a waterproof Jacket)

(Poster and Brochure Design)

(Reason and How To Promote)

This week On Creative Thinking, We had to chose 1 idea from the previous brainstorming. After discussing with my team members, we decided to expand our ideas on "Waterproof Trench Coat". Our main objective is to promote and share with public with the design we came out. The Design to us is very useful as we can use it during our emergency time like when you are caught in a rain. Besides that, it can be use as a normal form of jacket. In order to get the attention from the public, We decided to design a brochure, magazine, poster and also invite models for our launch during the roadshow. I can ensure our design will be very useful and showing how to be creative.

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