Thursday 10 September 2015

~ Mr Bee

So basically, we have to imagine we are in a room and the back window is open. Near the window there is a table with a vase and a fresh rose. A painting of flowers hangs on the opposite wall(whiteboard area) A bee flies into the room but it went straight to the painting and not the rose , Why ?

(brainstorming on the solutions)
  • In terms of being creative, The first reason is maybe the owner might just painted the florals and immediately hangs onto the whiteboard to let it dry therefore, the bee might smells something that attracted the bee to went straight to the painting flowers.
  • Secondly, While the bee was approaching the fresh rose, the bee saw the owner was approaching and scared will get kill thus, the bee went straight to the painting to get camouflage.
  • In terms of logic, if i am a bee, the first attention that will caught my eye is the painting instead of the fresh rose. It is because, the painting is huge and its hanging directly on the whiteboard.  

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