Thursday 10 September 2015

~ Analogical Thinking

This week on creative thinking, we were discussing a topic on Analogical thinking. Learning different types of meaning such as Metaphors, Similes and Analogical thinking. Two exercise were give on that day. 

(Exercise 1 Ideas)

For exercise 1 , we have to think of an idea from the environment that demonstrated the practice of analogical thinking. We are to differentiate and bringing in the examples of Analogy, Similes and Metaphors.  
  • Analogy: A plastic block can be used and design in a game of Jenga. 
  • Simile: I define a man is jogging like a turtle. 
  • Metaphors: Her voice is my happiness to my life.

(Exercise 2 Ideas)

For exercise 2, we had to identify 3 existing product to discover relationships to other objects and images. I came out with 3 ideas which is :
  • A Bucket and a Glass can be played as a formed of instrument such as mini drum set.
  • Putting a light stick into a plastic transparent bottle to give a better effect and glow.
  • A cutting cupboard and a strap can make into a phone holder or a bag.

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