Monday 28 September 2015

~ Force Connection

(Force Connection : Candle)
(Mr . Brave in armed)

(Mr.Greedy , money that matter the most)

(Mr Sadness and Hardworking)
Force Connection is something new to me , is a way of describing the act of combining 2 different object into something creative. For this exercise, i learnt about adjective and object. I have chosen candles and sketch into different adjectives(feelings) such as Sad, Creative, Hardworking, Brave, Greedy and Passionate. From here i can visual how 2 things combine and express a new message. At the end of the day, it is something interesting and will take note of this values to be part of my leaning progress. 

~ Analogical Thinking Pt 2

(Brainstorming/mind mapping)
On Analogical Thinking part 2 , with various ideas all coming from the brainstorming and mind mapping in creative thinking lesson. Analogical Thinking helps us expand our ideas and try to visual things around us. By visual, we can form into something creative examples like a car having a figure of a face smiling. In order to be creative, we have to positive and be free by sketching out our ideas and share with everybody. To be creative there is no right or wrong. 

Thursday 10 September 2015

~ Trip To Orchard Library

To have a better understanding on Analogical Thinking, we were told to travel to the Orchard Library to apply the understanding and find/ capture images that describe on lifeless object but has the human characteristic.

(Upper level)

(Lower level around the shelves)

Images that i took that looks like a face of a human with lights or lamp there symbolize an eye.The ladder, shelves can symbolize a nose. These were the things that i manage to see and think of. 

~ Analogical Thinking

This week on creative thinking, we were discussing a topic on Analogical thinking. Learning different types of meaning such as Metaphors, Similes and Analogical thinking. Two exercise were give on that day. 

(Exercise 1 Ideas)

For exercise 1 , we have to think of an idea from the environment that demonstrated the practice of analogical thinking. We are to differentiate and bringing in the examples of Analogy, Similes and Metaphors.  
  • Analogy: A plastic block can be used and design in a game of Jenga. 
  • Simile: I define a man is jogging like a turtle. 
  • Metaphors: Her voice is my happiness to my life.

(Exercise 2 Ideas)

For exercise 2, we had to identify 3 existing product to discover relationships to other objects and images. I came out with 3 ideas which is :
  • A Bucket and a Glass can be played as a formed of instrument such as mini drum set.
  • Putting a light stick into a plastic transparent bottle to give a better effect and glow.
  • A cutting cupboard and a strap can make into a phone holder or a bag.

~ Mr Bee

So basically, we have to imagine we are in a room and the back window is open. Near the window there is a table with a vase and a fresh rose. A painting of flowers hangs on the opposite wall(whiteboard area) A bee flies into the room but it went straight to the painting and not the rose , Why ?

(brainstorming on the solutions)
  • In terms of being creative, The first reason is maybe the owner might just painted the florals and immediately hangs onto the whiteboard to let it dry therefore, the bee might smells something that attracted the bee to went straight to the painting flowers.
  • Secondly, While the bee was approaching the fresh rose, the bee saw the owner was approaching and scared will get kill thus, the bee went straight to the painting to get camouflage.
  • In terms of logic, if i am a bee, the first attention that will caught my eye is the painting instead of the fresh rose. It is because, the painting is huge and its hanging directly on the whiteboard.