Saturday 25 July 2015

To A Start Of Something New!

The dream has just begun. A dream where I really wanted to share and learnt all the different types knowledge of arts in Nanyang Academy Of Fine Arts. I had to took a longer route before getting into Nafa by entering Institute Of Education (ITE). There I took Interactive Media Design for my 2 years Nitec course. Basically I learnt different types of fundamentals but I know that I am not gonna stop there. I work really hard and with the passion and perseverance finally, I am here in Nanyang Academy Of  Fine Arts!

Rise and Shine,  I am really looking forward for my very first day of being a Nafa student on Tuesday. Feeling no blues at all as I was just about to get started. I came to school with a smile on my face with a great charisma and wanting to make new friends around.  Definitely it was awkward but eventually it went well. Made new friend and also getting to know our lecturers from different modules. I had a great day for day 1 and I am looking forward for day 2 J

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